This vaccine prevent poultry from Newcastle disease - the Lasota strain in liquid form, have high stability in safety and effectiveness, can be stored at room temperature, convenient for use in local area.
Presentation: Vaccine in liquid form, in pack of 50 dropping vials of 20 doses.
Each dose includes at least 106 EID50 Newcastle virus Lasota strain.
Prevent poultry Newcastle disease.
Administration route: Use for poultry from 1 week old.
Ocular-nasal: administer 4 - 5 drops per bird into eyes, nose, mouth.
- Drinking water method: mix dropping vial with drinking water and let them drink.
- Don't vaccinate for weak poultry.
- Don't use for over-expired date vaccine.
Vaccine can use to prevent against Newcastle disease in quail, dove, turkey, ostrich ...
- Store in dry place, protected from light and sunlight.
- Storing in room temperature 20 - 25oC can use in 30 days.
- Storing in 2 - 8oC can use in 09 months.